
How would a mental health diagnosis affect how others’ see you?

19 March 2017

Would a mental heath problem affect how others see you?

We are recruiting a large number of people to help answer this question. If you take part, you will complete a brief online questionnaire about the stereotypes you think others could have about you if you had a diagnosis.

Your participation will help develop a new tool to measure stereotypes and could help us understand how stereotypes affect how and when people with a mental health diagnosis tell others


Ethical approval

This study has been approved by the University of Bath Psychology Ethics Committee on 1st November 2016, with amendments approved on 16th Feb 2017

About the researcher

Mia Foxhall is a Trainee Clinical Psychologist at the University of Bath with a particular interest in Mental Health Stigma. The study is being supervised by Lorna Hogg, Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Tutor at University of Bath.

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Academic study

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